PROS Transportation and Logistics service (4.0)
Download OpenAPI specification:Download
License: Copyright (c) 2020-2023 by PROS, Inc
Multi tenant service that orchestrates cargo routing and price requests
Get prices for the given routes
Request Body schema: application/json
required | object (Header_Api) |
required | object (RouteHeader_Api) |
required | object (Shipment_Api) |
required | Array of objects (RouteDetails_Api) |
Array of objects (Rate_Api) |
Request samples
- Payload
Content type
{- "header": {
- "accountNo": "100000",
- "accountName": "ACME Corp",
- "agentIata": "100000",
- "requestId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
- "quoteId": "bb6181e6-468f-4bf2-b169-8b19200b2418",
- "salesAreaCode": "IAH",
- "wgtUnit": "KG",
- "volUnit": "M3",
- "sizeUnit": "CM",
- "currency": "USD",
- "channel": "API",
- "subChannel": "PORTAL",
- "paymentMethod": "Cash",
- "additionalRoutingData": "startDate:2022-02-22;endDate:2023-02-23",
- "additionalPricingData": "USDtoEUR:1;USDtoGBP:0.88",
- "awb": "157-10231443",
- "shipper": "string"
}, - "routeHeader": {
- "orig": "DFW",
- "dest": "IAH",
- "earliestDepDateTime": "2222-01-01T00:00:00",
- "latestArrDateTime": "2222-01-05T00:00:00",
- "earliestDepOffsetDateTime": "2222-01-01T00:00:00+01:00",
- "latestArrOffsetDateTime": "2222-01-05T00:00:00Z"
}, - "shipment": {
- "totWgt": 1000,
- "totChgWgt": 1000,
- "totVol": 1000,
- "totPcs": 1,
- "commodityGroup": "Fruits",
- "commodity": "0001",
- "productGroup": "Airmail",
- "product": "A",
- "cargoType": "M",
- "priorityList": [
], - "serviceList": [
- "FSC",
- "SSC"
], - "sphCodeList": [
- "ACT",
- "COL"
], - "looseShipmentType": {
- "chargeType": "Flat Charge",
- "stackable": true,
- "turnable": true,
- "requestedRate": 100,
- "coloadable": true,
- "packages": [
- {
- "commodity": "0001",
- "deckLevel": "Lower",
- "rateClassCode": "U",
- "length": 1,
- "width": 1,
- "height": 1,
- "pcs": 1,
- "avgWgt": 1,
- "stackable": true,
- "turnable": true,
- "coloadable": true
}, - "uldShipmentType": {
- "chargeType": "Pivot Type",
- "uldTypes": [
- {
- "commodity": "0001",
- "deckLevel": "Lower",
- "rateClassCode": "U",
- "contour": "A1",
- "uldType": "AKE",
- "unitWgt": 10,
- "unitPivotWgt": 1,
- "unitPivotCharge": 100,
- "unitPivotRate": 1,
- "unitOverflowCharge": 100,
- "unitOverflowWeight": 10,
- "requestedRate": 100,
- "chgWgt": 1000,
- "qty": 1,
- "rateClass": "Type 8"
}, - "routes": [
- {
- "routeId": "string",
- "onload": "IAH",
- "offload": "JFK",
- "routePath": "IAH-JFK",
- "fltRoutePath": "ZZ1234",
- "depDateTime": "2222-01-01T10:00:00",
- "arrDateTime": "2222-01-02T00:00:00",
- "depOffsetDateTime": "2222-01-01T10:00:00+01:00",
- "arrOffsetDateTime": "2222-01-02T00:00:00Z",
- "loadFactor": 0.5,
- "loadFactorWgt": 0.5,
- "loadFactorVol": 0.5,
- "totalDuration": "P1DT1H",
- "applicableRates": [
- {
- "rateId": "AB1234",
- "isPrimary": true
], - "otherCharges": [
- {
- "chargeType": "FuelSurcharge",
- "currency": "USD",
- "chargePerUnit": 10,
- "totalCharge": 100,
- "isSurcharge": true
], - "flights": [
- {
- "crrCode": "ZZ",
- "orig": "IAH",
- "dest": "JFK",
- "fltNo": "1234",
- "mktCrrCode": "ZZ",
- "mktFltNo": "1234",
- "schedDepDateTime": "2222-01-01T01:00:00",
- "schedArrDateTime": "2222-01-02T01:00:00",
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- "arrDateTime": "2222-01-02T00:00:00",
- "depOffsetDateTime": "2222-01-01T00:00:00+01:00",
- "arrOffsetDateTime": "2222-01-02T00:00:00Z",
- "aircraftType": "BA777",
- "fltType": "C",
- "loadFactor": 0.5,
- "space": {
- "totWgt": 1000,
- "totVol": 1000,
- "totULD": 100,
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- "loadFactorObkULD": 0.5,
- "allotmentCode": "ABC999"
}, - "charges": [
- {
- "chargeType": "OAL",
- "chargeCurrency": "USD",
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- "totalCharge": 100,
- "isProrated": true
], - "isPrimary": false,
- "isOAL": false
], - "pricingPreferences": {
- "allIn": false,
- "useAllotments": false,
- "costs": [
- {
- "category": "OpportunityCost",
- "currency": "string",
- "costPerUnit": 10,
- "totalCost": 100
}, - "routeNo": "string"
], - "rates": [
- {
- "rateId": "AB1234",
- "rateType": "AB",
- "rateCurrency": "USD",
- "ratePerUnit": 100,
- "totalRate": 100,
- "description": "Description",
- "remarks": "Remarks"
Response samples
- 200
Content type
{- "header": {
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- "accountName": "ACME Corp",
- "agentIata": "100000",
- "requestId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
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- "salesAreaCode": "IAH",
- "wgtUnit": "KG",
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- "sizeUnit": "CM",
- "currency": "USD",
- "channel": "API",
- "subChannel": "PORTAL",
- "paymentMethod": "Cash",
- "additionalRoutingData": "startDate:2022-02-22;endDate:2023-02-23",
- "additionalPricingData": "USDtoEUR:1;USDtoGBP:0.88",
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- "shipper": "string"
}, - "routes": [
- {
- "route": {
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- "arrOffsetDateTime": "2222-01-02T00:00:00Z",
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- "applicableRates": [
- {
- "rateId": "AB1234",
- "isPrimary": true
], - "otherCharges": [
- {
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], - "flights": [
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- "arrOffsetDateTime": "2222-01-02T00:00:00Z",
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- "totalCost": 100
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- "systemRecommended": 0
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], - "openRates": [
- {
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- "systemRecommended": 0
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- "priceElements": {
- "serializePriceElements": true,
- "priceElements": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "type": "string",
- "value": "string",
- "currency": "string",
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], - "rates": [
- {
- "rateId": "AB1234",
- "rateType": "AB",
- "rateCurrency": "USD",
- "ratePerUnit": 100,
- "totalRate": 100,
- "description": "Description",
- "remarks": "Remarks"